Recent versions of mobile operatig systems like Android 10 uses a new privacy setting to avoid tracking, randomizing the last 3 bytes of the device MAC address.

To override this, a new mac_randomizer_mode option has been added to the MQTT script. This mode marks as the same MAC address if the first 3 bytes of the MAC address appears in the last 15 minutes (you can change the threshold). It’s not a perfect solution, but the chances to get the same first 3 bytes (often related to a brand specific model series) in a short time window within a few meters distance from the detector device are very few indeed.

if mac_randomizer_mode:
			last15mResults = influxclient.query('SELECT activity FROM traffic_accounting WHERE mac =~ /^'+mac_half+'/ and time > now() - 15m;')
			last15mResults = influxclient.query('SELECT activity FROM traffic_accounting WHERE mac = \''+mac+'\' and time > now() - 15m;')

Check out the esp8266 people counter project repo for more information.